
Grassland Reseeding


Reseeded pastures are significantly more productive than old pastures. It is a proven fact that newly reseeded leys produce 2 to 3 tonnes more of dry matter than old leys annually and produce better quality silage with digestibility up 2 to 4 units depending on weather and management practices at harvest.

Some paddocks and/or silage fields were severely damaged in 2012 and now is a great opportunity to correct this.


The following is a step by step guide………..


  1. Soil Sample every 8-10 acres for Lime, Phosphorus and Potassium. Remember, the desired soil pH on mineral soils is 6.5 and 5.5 on peat soils.
  2. Sub-soiling compacted land improves soil drainage and soil aeration.
  3. Cultivation Methods differ from farm to farm and from field to field. The conventional method of ploughing is still very popular although good results are being achieved from disc harrowing also.
  4. Fertiliser is a key element in the growth of any crop and grass is no different. Refer to your soil result for this and remember that using the standard “3 bags of 10-10-20/acre” may not be required!!
  5. Grass seed mixtures change every few years with new varieties being introduced with better traits such as early Spring growth, ground cover, persistence and digestibility. At Flynn’s we carry a wide range of Department of Agriculture Approved grass seed mixtures. Our most popular mix is Top 5 Extend supplied by Germinal Seeds which contains the newest varieties from the Recommended List with excellent grass growth in both Spring and Autumn.
  6. Weed Control in the newly reseeded ley is a key element that is often forgotten about. Using Alistel will control all problem weeds and ensure a weed free pasture/silage ground.



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